Ulcers by Joyce Rice


Panel 1:

Organs inside a body. At the center, Uterus is just opening her eyes. The other organs look nervous.

Kidney: Sh!

Liver: O shit, she’s waking up!

Small Intestine: Shut up!

Panel 2:

Uterus, pensively: Nice organs you got here

Bladder: We ARE nice!

Panel 3:

Uterus, slightly bigger and with more muscle definition, sanguinely pulls on a boxing glove. 

Uterus: It would be a real shame…

Large intestine: Not again

Panel 4:

Uterus, punching gloves together: …if someone failed to pay their protection fee

Small intestine: PLEASE just give her what she wants!!

Panel 5:

A woman lies in fetal position on a couch.

Woman: But Intestines…! Too much ibuprofen causes ulcers!

Panel 6:

Inside the body, a super buff uterus punches the other organs with gleeful malice.

Small intestine: I don’t care.