Tired Cat Sips While on Vacation by Dimitrea Tokunbo - Transcript
A three page comic.
Page 1:
Panel 1: [Sweetheart frame younger, happier cat and dog couple vacationing in Paris next to a ringing alarm clock that reads “4:00 am”
Panel 2: [old, frumpy cat and dog share pet pillow. Dog still sound asleep. Cat opens one eye to see the time.]
Panel 3: [Dog still sleeping. Cat sneaks away while remembering in a heart shaped thought bubble, cat asks, “Let’s work on love for this lifetime?” Dog replies, “let’s pledge to love each other for seven lifetimes”]
Panel 4: [Cat descends front steps of a brownstone and enters a taxi while remembering in a heart shaped thought bubble, cat says, “I need to receive and give verbal expressions of love daily, dog replies, “I don’t like saying I love you all the time, it feels fake”]
Panel 5: [Taxi speeds over the roadways while cat remembers in a heart shaped thought bubble, cats says, “I am willing to step into the unknown with you” and dog replies, “I just don’t see you in my future”
Page 2:
Panel 1: [Calm taxi driver in the foreground with anxious cat gripping the seat between them. Cat remembers in heart shaped thought bubble, dog says, “I hired a numerologist and she says we are not compatible” and cat responds, “Don’t you need my accurate dates for stuff like that?”
Panel 2: [Cat arrives at International Airport and remembers in a heart shaped thought bubble, dog says “Don’t judge me— I like my masculine ‘privilege’ feel me?”]
Panel 3: [cat can be seen looking out of a window in an airplane flying through the sky with other airplanes. Cat remembers in a heart shaped thought bubble, dog says, “In my heart…I believe that…Trump is getting a bad rap from the media” the cat is speechless shown by a popped bubble where words would have been and she looks at us with one eye with her face still pointed toward the dog.]
Page 3:
Full page: [Tired cat sips a drink with a straw, ice cubes and a tiny paper umbrella. She is wearing a straw hat and a floral one piece bathing suit while reclining on a beach chair. There is a silhouette of a palm tree, beach front and a pair of swimming dolphins jumping to the right. There is a boom box set to “Me’o’clock” playing the Emily King song, “This year’s gonna be about me, coming to claim my shine, not gonna waste no more time, this year” lyric band winds with music notes diagonally ups the page. Cat says Bell Hooks affirmation in a heart shaped thought bubble, “I am breaking with old patterns and moving forward with my life”]