The Teenage Detectives by Mowen Guo


Page one: 

Panel 1: A stadium with a green lawn and audience wearing red and yellow. 

Panel 2: A teenager with a red shirt and brown hair. There is a small blue circle on their shirt and they have blue suspenders. The letter J is assigned to them.

Panel 3: Another teenager with blond hair wearing a matching outfit. The letter M is assigned to her.

Panel 4: A larger person with dark hair also wearing the same uniform. The letter H is assigned to him.

Panl 5: A collection of interlocking symbols on a black and white backdrop shows a green box, the text 100%, a red heart connecting to a red circle, and a flying piece of meat on a bone. A yellow lightbulb and a gray cloud swirl around.

Page two:

9 borderless panels with no distinct order fill the page with a red backdrop. The scene suggests a murder with a hand holding a bloody knife in one panel and a person in an angry bloody mask in another. There are close ups on an eye, a red exclamation mark, a skull and crossbones, and an arrow filled with a red, yellow, and green colored dot and one black dot pointing to a small question mark at the bottom.

Page three: 

The final page depicts the murderer coming to justice. 

Panel 1: black footprints on a white backdrop.

Panel 2: A green target symbol on a gray backdrop.

Panel 3: A red, yellow, and green dot are narrowing in on the black dot, smaller marks indicate possible footprints leading the colored dots to the black dot.

Panel 4: A magnifying glass examines a distinct footprint. 

Panel 5: A lightning bolt!

Panel 6: A person with a knife frowns, holding their arms out in protest as the three colorful orbs narrow in on them.

Panel 7: A person’s hands handcuffed with red, yellow, and green lines overlaying them. 

Panel 8: The scales of justice on a yellow background.

Panel 9: A long panel showing the sun coming out from behind a cloud.