Space Cadet by Spunin - Transcript

Page 1: 

White text on black background: “I ran into the woods one day to make pretend…”

Page 2:

Panel 1: Shot of Luna (a person in a white collared shirt and pleated knee-level skirt, resembling a school uniform) from the back. She puts on an astronaut helmet, the background is filled in black.

Panel 2: Shot of Luna’s loafers from the front. She wears socks that go above her ankles. Shadow cast on our right, light coming from the left. There are tree roots around her.

Panel 3: Luna standing in front of trees, slightly slumped posture. She says, “Party Time”.

Page 3: 

Panel 1: Narration, “Today is July 21…” Low shot of Luna standing in the forest, a UFO flies above her.

Panel 2: Narration: From left to right, “The same day man first took a step on the moon… Yet no one cares about today… They’d rather do more important things on a Monday.”

Panel 3: Shot of Luna’s foot taking a step, tree roots around. Luna continues the thought, but out loud: “And the thing is…”

Panel 4: Luna, slightly slumped over exclaims, “I really…”

Panel 5: Luna hops, her right hand higher than her left. She continues, “Hate…”

Panel 6: Luna mid jump, both hands above her head. Continuing, “Mondays!”

Page 4:

Large panel: Luna standing in the foreground, arms raised slightly following her exclamation to the heavens. Title: “Spunin Presents: Space Cadet”. Background of trees, another person is behind Luna, sipping on a box of juice. She wears a sweatshirt, black shorts, quarter length socks and rubber shoes. She says, “You okay over there?” with a nonchalant expression.

Page 5:

Panel 1: Luna, surprised someone saw her in the middle of her jig, jolts her arms up as if she’s mid run. Trees in the background. The person who has just arrived sipping on her apple juice asks, “Did I scare you or something?” A cowlick on the top of her hair forms a question mark shape.

Panel 2: Wide shot of Luna and this new person standing in the middle of the woods. The silence is awkward, “...” 

Panel 3: Closeup of “Apple Juice Girl”, she has short light-colored hair and two pins holding up her bangs. One pin looks like a rocket, the other looks like some kind of bottle with a twist cap. “Look, I’m willing to pretend that I didn’t see anything!” she exclaims to break the silence. “Not like I’ve got anyone to tell anyways…”

Panel 4: Low angle shot of Luna, the sun above her head, trees around her. UFOs circle her head as if she’s dizzy or dazed.

Panel 5: Apple Juice Girl stabs a straw into her box of apple juice. SFX: “PLOK!” “Uh… Here, have one!”, she says.

Panel 6: Passing the juice box to Luna, “You know, my brother shakes like that too…” Realizing she’s revealing too much information she rebounds, “Whatever right?... Just take it!”

Panel 7: Luna tilts her head to the side looking at the juice box with a question mark above her head, trees behind her. Apple Juice Girl just smiles in the foreground.

Page 6:

Panel 1: The face shield of her astronaut helmet raises up like a motorcycle helmet to allow her to sip in the box of juice. SFX: “SLUUURP”

Panel 2: Luna sips on the juice box. We can’t see her face under the helmet as she says, “Woah… So much flavor in such a tiny package.” 

Panel 3: some trees and grass in the background, Luna sips on the box of apple juice. Apple Juice Girl runs into the foreground, twisting her wrist. An uneasy smile on her, “You’re easy to impress… I mean it’s all fake fruits and stuff… Artificial juice basically…”

Panel 4: Shot of Luna slurping the box. SFX: “SHTP!” Apple Juice Girl tells Luna, playing along with her getup, “It’s customary on Earth to exchange names you know.” Seemingly not hearing what she said, Luna says, “Where can I throw this?” Referring to the box.

Panel 5: Luna passes the juice box to the girl, “Pass it here,” she says.

Panel 6: Luna speaks in the background, Apple Juice Girl in the foreground, “You can call me Luna…”

Panel 7: “What a cute name!” Apple Juice girl says before exclaiming that she wishes she had a name like that. She reveals her name is “Ayla”. “You don’t like your name?” Luna asks. Ayla snaps back saying it was just a joke. “Like the back of the juice box?” Luna asks as Ayla throws the box on the floor.

Page 7: 

Panel 1: Ayla presents a hole in a hedge as Luna watches. “Behold, a wormhole!”

Panel 2: Ayla looks proud of herself while Luna asks about what could be behind it? “All the fruit juice you could ever want!” exclaims Ayla. Behind the hedge is a shot of a large box of apple juice with a spotlight on it.

Panel 3: Closeup of Luna, “Is that right?”

Panel 4: “Ayla walks through the hole, “I wouldn’t lie to you!” she says.

Panel 5: Shot of Ayla’s foot stepping past the hedge onto the other side, “Besides, we’re practically best buds at this point!”

Page 8 and 9:

Two page spread of Ayla and Luna stepping onto the other side, a large truck drives past them, with a large “Apple-O” logo. This is the same brand of juice that Ayla and Luna had drunk. A tagline is written on the truck as well, saying, “100% Pure & Fresh.” Cars move around silhouetted and haphazardly placed looking highways that surround buildings. “Welcome to Earth!” Ayla says.

Page 10:

Panel 1: Shot of a building with a large sign above it saying, “Arcade”. Visible highways that creep around buildings are visible in the foreground. On the window of the arcade building are crude drawings of a boy winking, a game controller and girl smiling. 

Panel 2: Ayla and Luna look at arcade machines from a balcony, a railing is in front of them. “What is this place?” Luna asks. Ayla snaps back, “You’ve never been to an arcade before?”.

Panel 3: “Luna holds onto the railing, lights reflecting off her helmet, “It’s so bright in here…” Ayla looks unbothered by their environment as she looks up. “Is it really?” she asks “I guess the buildings do block the sun sometimes…”

Panel 4: Shot of Ayla’s hand outstretched, “Whatever, your eyes will adjust” she re-affirms to Luna, “Come on!”

Page 11:

Panel 1: Closeup of Luna, noticing something.

Panel 2: Luna grabs onto Ayla’s hand.

Panel 3: Front-facing shot of Luna, being dragged across the Arcade, screens and light moving and flashing around her. The light spirals around the shot.

Panel 4: Ayla smiles while she drags Luna around as she stumbles around. 

Page 12:

Panel 1: Waist-high shot of Luna, her arm stretched towards the camera, her right side is suddenly draped in shadow. 

Panel 2: Extreme closeup of Luna’s helmet being hit by rain drops, black background. 

Panel 3: Center shot of Luna, rain pouring over her, as she stands in a nondescript white space. UFOs flying over her head.

Panel 4: Luna sits under a single rain cloud as it pours. A planet behind her cracks open while she sits in this white space. A broken TV is her only company.

Page 13:

Panel 1: Fade in from black, side profile of Luna with the sound of someone laughing behind her.

Panel 2: Ayla, side profile saying, “God, you suck at this!” The speech bubble flowing out from her mouth while she giggles.

Panel 3: “Sh-shaddap you idiot!” Luna exclaims while they play a fighting game on an arcade cabinet. The room they are in is dark, the only light source emitting from the game.

Page 14:

Panel 1: Luna and Ayla walk along the aisles of the arcade. Luna walks stiffly while Ayla takes large strides while moving her arms near shoulder length. 

Panel 2: Ayla is stopped in her tracks by something that catches her attention.

Panel 3: Shot of a clerk at the prize counter of the arcade. He wears thick glasses and appears to have just made a sale. Behind him is a myriad of prize stuffed toys and boxes. “Hey Luna… We’re like, total BFFs now right?” Ayla starts. “Yeah?” replies Luna. “And you had fun today… Correct?”. Luna replies again with the same, “Yeah?” 

Panel 4: “Then why should we just end it here? We’re young and in our prime!” Ayla exclaims with resolve while slamming her right fist onto her left palm.

Panel 5: Close up of Luna, her helmet has lost its highlights, she’s wary of what comes next, “Ayla?”

Panel 6: ¾ view of the back of Ayla’s head, covered in shadow, “Luna…”

Panel 7: Cut to Ayla patting an arcade machine. “This machine looks busted!” she exclaims. “Could you get that kind man at the ticket booth to help come fix it?”

Page 15:

Panel 1: Closeup of Luna as she contemplates.

Panel 2: The man at the ticket booth has his attention grabbed by something off camera. Behind him is a myriad of toy prizes.

Panel 3: Side profile shot of the ticket booth clerk, it was Luna who was grabbing his attention as she points to something out of shot.

Panel 4: The clerk checks the back of the machine. “Looks like it was just unplugged!” he says, “Allow me to assist…” “Oh thanks!” Luna replies as she watches the guy work.

Panel 5: “Hey you!” Luna hears someone yell as she turns her head in surprise.

Panel 6: “Run Luna!” Ayla yells as she makes a mad dash out of the arcade, her arms holding onto the burden of several stolen prize stuffed toys. Luna watches the crime while the clerk is preoccupied, his head buried into the backsides of the arcade cabinets. 

Page 16:

Panel 1: Side profile shot of Luna picking up the pace and beginning to run.

Panel 2: “Y-you…” a hand grabs Luna’s arm from out of shot. She is stopped in her tracks and begins shaking like a leaf. “You tricked me didn’t you?”. 

Panel 3: Detailed close up shot of the store clerk mouth wide open to the point that you can see his gums. His eyes upturned and brows furrowed. “THOSE PRIZES AREN’T FOR COWARDS LIKE YOU!” he yells.

Panel 4: Luna slaps him, “Let go, weirdo!”

Page 17:

Panel 1: Luna remains with her arm raised, the background covered in black.

Panel 2: Full body shot of Luna as she slowly lowers her arm. Suddenly she’s alone in a nondescript place, rain pouring down over her head. She is backlit, her shadow runs down towards the point of view.

Panel 3: Luna turns around to head off, the rain continues to pour over her, “It only gets colder the further down you go.”

Panel 4: Large panel of Luna chasing after Ayla, who grins ear to ear holding onto her bunch of stuffed toys. They are on the ground, surrounded by a dark cityscape.

Page 18: 

Panel 1: Eye level asymmetrical shot of Ayla and Luna on opposite sides of a vending machine. Ayla leans against the wall in a relaxed-manner. Luna is huddled up, sitting on the floor. The lighting is drastic, as if a large spotlight was placed to our right. “You were great Luna!” Ayla exclaims, “That guy’s face was hilarious!”

Panel 2: Same shot as the previous panel however this time, Ayla stands in the center in front of the vending machine as she decides what to buy. She continues, “Let go weirdo!. What a one-liner! You looked like Shwartzenegger out there!” Luna is silent with a “...” above her head.

Panel 3: Ayla’s hand reaches out for a can of cola that is dropping down into the pick-up box of the vending machine. “But all that running’s gotten me tired…” she says, “Nothing a cold pick-me-up can’t fix!”.

Panel 4: “Know what? This one’s yours!” Ayla says as she hands the can of cola to Luna, still sitting down on the floor next to the vending machine, “I pass the baton on to you Luna!”

Page 19:

Panel 1: Ayla stands over Luna, still sitting on the floor. We see the back of Ayla’s head and shoulders. “Hey you tired or something?” Ayla asks the quiet Luna, “You’re not being quiet on purpose are you?”

Panel 2: Shot of Ayla looking down towards Luna off-screen. “You’re really bumming me out, you know?” Ayla says, “If we stop now, where else can we go?”.

Panel 3: The bunch of stuffed toys lie in the shadow of a trash bin, “...” Luna finally speaks up, “Did you see the way that man looked at me?”

Panel 4: “I’m spent… I wanna go home!” Luna exclaims as she begins to remove her astronaut helmet. Ayla snaps back in seeming desperation, “Hey, wait!... STOP I-”

Panel 5: Black background, white text: “POP!”

Page 20:

Panel 1: The panels are warped and liquified, the borders form into reversed horizontal “S” shapes. An arm and a hand that seems to be wearing a sweatshirt pours the contents out of a can of cola. SFX for “GLUG” droops downwards.

Panel 2: A swipe to the right, Luna’s astronaut helmet covered in a dripping liquid against a completely black background. The panel rises up from left to right then droops downwards towards the end.

Panel 3: Sneakers and socks walk down pavement being splattered across by rain, the water causing reflections of light in the ground. The panel warping continues.

Panel 4: A warmed image of a person wearing Luna’s astronaut helmet under a hoodie. They are being drenched in rain.

Panel 5: Side profile of this person from the previous panel. In the background, a warped image of Luna while rain continues to pour. “It’s cold today, isn’t it,” the apparition says, “...But rain or shine, anything for a vacation!”

Page 21: 

Panel 1: The panels continue their warped appearance from the last page. A shot of Luna’s astronaut helmet on a table covered in rain. The rain water drips onto the surface of the table. Light comes in from the left, covering the entire right side in pitch black shadow.

Panel 2: A person with bangs in a sweatshirt, their hair goes down until around their chin. They are drenched in rain water with messy hair, holding a dull expression, mouth slightly agape and pupils blacked out. Light comes in strongly from the right. The left side is completely covered in pitch black shadow.

Panel 3: The person opens a door, their appearance is similar to Ayla but missing her hairpins and cowlick. They hold a beleaguered expression.

Panel 4: Side profile of this person looking towards the right, coming out of shadow coming from the left. The background is textured like a dotted zipatone. The rain continues and Luna stands slightly slumped over in the background. She is looking towards the right. 

Panel 5: Luna stretches her arm out, reaching out towards the POV. The background continues the dotted pattern. It is still raining.

Panel 6: This person in a sweatshirt reaches their arm out into frame.

Page 22: 

Panel 1: Luna grabs onto Ayla’s hand against a completely black background, the warping has stopped.

Panel 2: Luna and Ayla dash down a sidewalk next to the hedge that surrounds a forest. “Luna!” Ayla exclaims, “We’ve been here already!” 

Panel 3: Ground level shot of someone just out of frame. Only the bottom of their pants and their sneakers are visible. They seem to be in the same place as wherever Ayla and Luna are, the edge of the hedge just slightly visible in the background. “Finally, I knew you’d be right here…” this person says.

Panel 4: Full body shot of this new person, they wear a hoodie with long pants and black sneakers. The hoodie covers their head, which appears to be an old CRT TV, with static. “Come on… We’re going home!” this person demands. Behind him is the edge of the hedge, a road and vague buildings.

Panel 5: Ayla is surprised as Luna shouts, “RUN!” while she digs into the hedge, entering it.

Panel 6: Ayla is shocked, a “?” hovers next to her. 

Panel 7: Ayla, baffled by the situation is then dragged into the hedge by Luna. 

Page 23:

Panel 1: Panels rotate downwards in a sort of spiral motion. “My Hairpins!”, this exclamation possibly comes from Ayla, but it is not clear. Her hairpins are caught in a tangle of branches shaped somewhat like brain synapses. 

Panel 2: Luna’s hand holds onto Ayla’s. The place they are in is dark. “I think I’m scared!” Ayla yells, “Luna! I can’t see anything!”.

Panel 3: Very detailed closeup shot of an eye, with hair coming down on the side. “Relax, your eyes will adjust!” Luna reassures her.

Panel 4: Ayla’s shins and feet are surrounded by branches, “The branches, they hurt my legs!”.

Panel 5: Ayla with a tired expression, her hairpins are gone letting her bangs come down. She closes her right eye. “Just keep running… It’s good for your soul!" Despite the reassurance, Ayla is terrified by the situation, “I’m scared, Luna… I wanna go home!”

Panel 6: Before emerging from the darkness, Ayla shuts both her eyes tightly. “I’ll give you cola on the other side…!” says Luna, “But keep your eyes open… You won’t see anything like that!”

Page 24:

Splash page of Ayla looking up in the middle of the forest towards a giant UFO stuck on the trees. Luna stands in the middle.