Animation by Dustin Garcia
We See You by J.M. Hunter
J.M. Hunter originally hails from Oceanside, CA and other parts of SoCal. Hunter is a Sagittarius and left handed. He doesn't enjoy long walks on the beach, but likes shrimp. Hunter is flat footed but double-jointed.
How Whisky’s Made by Siu Lee
Content warning: Alcohol Use
Content warning: Alcohol
Seewoo is a Comic artist working on comedy memoirs and educational comics. You can find more of his works at and some comics to share!
Countless Multitudes by SAWHAND
Sawhand (she/her) is a a comic artist with a fine arts and advanced mathematics background. She is currently working on a fantasy-adventure graphic novel for her thesis. Her inspirations are Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce and Garth Nix. She recently received the 2020 All College Honors Graduate Comics Scholarship Award.
Dream Home by Kit Fraser
Kit is a cartoonist and illustrator based in New York's Hudson Valley. Her work dabbles in colorful, surrealist spaces and regularly incorporates patterns and semi-fictionalized versions of her dreams and experiences. More of Kit's comics can be seen at:
tracing (with) tezuka's hands by Jackie Kirby
Jackie Kirby alone survives from the silent era. Like the gods of antiquity who after their downfall lived on as puppets, bugbears and other minor ghosts, haunting centuries which no longer believed in them, Jackie Kirby is a residue of the past, an exiled comedy god condemned or permitted to act the part of a mischievous hobgoblin. She can be found online @musclegirl2666 and at