A Manic Nightmare by Shuchita Mishra - Transcript
Page 1: Panel 1: A manic nightmare by Shuchita Mishra.
A girl is sleeping in her bed with her cat. She is dreaming about a spider surrounded by rotten leaves. The text reads "Every night she had the same dream."
Page 2: Panel 1: There are a few leaves lying on the ground.
Panel 2: A bunch of spiders start coming out of the leaves.
Panel 3: The spiders start to weave a cobweb.
The text reads "The dream would soon turn into a nightmare. It would be one spider then another and then another and another"
Page 3: Panel 1: The spiders seem to be multiplying. The light in the background has changed from white to black.
Panel 2: There are more spiders with red eyes weaving out a cobweb.
The text reads "The multiplying spiders
Page 4: Panel 1: There is an image of a girl walking inside the face of a silhouette. The girl is following the path weaved by spiders. The text reads "She did not have a choice in her state, so she followed the path weaved in front of her"
Page 5: Panel 1: There are bullets coming out of a black void. There are words written on each bullet which read "Anxiety, depression, abandonment and helplessness". The bullets seem to point to the next panel.
Panel 2: A girl with wings and a black dress seems to be dodging these bullets. The girl is thinking to herself: "Oh my goodness, what is going on? Where am I?"
Page 6: Panel 1: The girl with the wings (the dress has now disappeared) dodges the bullets and is walking on a cobweb path. The spiders have disappeared now and the woman is covered in wings. The narration reads "Years of dodging her emotions had finally trapped her in the web of her own resolve"
"There was no-one there to answer her, she had to finally face her demons"